Kākāpō Recovery

Kakapo Recovery

Here is a short summary from the Kākāpō Recovery Team of what they do!

 Kakapo Recovery

Kākāpō Recovery combines the efforts of iwi, scientists, rangers, volunteers and donors to protect the critically endangered kākāpō. All donations contribute directly to the health and vitality (Mauri Ora) of this critically endangered species. This includes kākāpō population monitoring, technology, research, health checks, predator control and management of breeding seasons. Finding suitable new habitat for the growing population is our most pressing challenge. We are trialling new sites to see if they could one day be home to breeding populations and to help relieve population pressure on the current kākāpō islands. Our ultimate goal is to one day return kākāpō to their natural range throughout mainland Aotearoa. This goal relies on the success on the predator free movements that work towards an Aotearoa where our native species are safe from extinction and thrive alongside us.”

Buy a Sirocco the kākāpō T-shirt and help this incredible bird.

Find out more about the Kākāpō Recovery programme.