Kauri Conservation

$5 from every adult kauri t-shirt sold is donated to Forest & Bird. Below is a summary of Forest & Bird's Kauri Dieback Campaign page. Read more here.

Kauri dieback disease is having a devastating effect on our kauri trees and the forest ecosystem that relies on them. The disease has no known cure and there is no proven way to prevent its spread.

Forest & Bird is campaigning for urgent and drastic changes to the national Kauri Dieback Programme.

Forest & Bird are calling for:

  • The establishment of an independent National Pest Management agency to manage the
    kauri dieback programme, governed with representation from community experts, science,
    environmental groups, relevant government agencies and iwi
  • An urgent programme of ground surveillance with a particular focus on areas that may be
  • The total closure of all forests with healthy kauri – to protect and try to stop the extinction
    of kauri in mainland forests
  • Increased aerial predator control to improve the overall health of the forests
  • Urgent focus on research – in particular, a cure for the disease, the effects of the pathogen
    on other species and effective cleaning solutions
  • The public closure of all forests with unhealthy kauri (unless they have adequate tracks that
    stop soil movement, and adequate cleaning facilities)
  • A comprehensive national programme for pig control
  • Border control measures against kauri dieback at domestic airports and ferries in areas such
    as Great Barrier, Waiheke and Coromandel