Coastal Restoration

Our Tumbleweed t-shirt design now helps the coasts of New Zealand - $5 from every adult tumbleweed t-shirt supports the Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand. 


Here is a summary of the great work this trust does:

"As our natural barrier to the sea – our sand dunes are one of the most important landscapes in the country, but they are also our most degraded. 

The Coastal Restoration Trust of New Zealand is the leading research and conservation organisation for coastal dune systems throughout New Zealand. The Trust brings together the knowledge and experience of communities, iwi, management authorities, industry and science agencies to restore our coastal sand dunes.

Conservation Dune Restoration | Tumbleweed Tees

If well looked after, dune systems lessen coastal hazards and erosion, they provide backdrop to our summer holidays, picturesque views, and habitat for all sorts of crazy plants and animals adapted to live between two worlds.  

Dunes Restoration

The Coastal Restoration Trust produces high quality, science based resources and practical guidelines, and hold an annual conference open to anyone interested in the coastal dune environment. 

Get involved and help to restore NZ’s most loved environment."   


Buy a tumbleweed tee to support dunes restoration in New Zealand

For more information on the Coastal Restoration Trust New Zealand click here.