Morepork Ruru Conservation

$5 from every adult Morepork/Ruru tee sold goes Wingspan New Zealand. 

Morepork Conservation


Morepork Conservation

Photo credit: Wingspan NZ

And ALSO when you wear your Morepork/Ruru tee (adult or child) to the Wingspan Centre in Rotorua you get FREE entry!



Here is a summary of the Wingspan Centre and the great work they do with Morepork and other NZ birds of prey.


"From small beginnings and registered as a Charitable Trust in 1992, Wingspan is the leading education, research and conservation organisation for birds of prey, in New Zealand. At Wingspan’s core is a commitment to the conservation of the threatened ‘Karearea’ New Zealand falcon. As well as working with the morepork (ruru), swamp harrier (kahu) and barn owls.

The ‘Ruru’ Morepork is New Zealand’s most widespread owl species. A bird of the bush and the night, it is also an important species in Maori mythology.

The Morepork is the only remaining native owl species found in New Zealand apart from the Barn Owl, which has only very recently colonised New Zealand from Australia. It is also the only species of owl in New Zealand that inhabits forests. Top predators are required in order for ecological systems to function, keeping check on the organisms they feed on. With short rounded wings and ears and eyes adapted for low light and darkness they are a formidable and stealthy predator of our forests. 

Morepork Conservation

Photo credit: Wingspan NZ

The Wingspan National Bird of Prey Centre is a place where people can visit and see birds of prey up close during interactive flying displays, hosted by the country’s leading experts. The displays showcase the spectacular flying skills of these amazing birds and are a unique educational experience enjoyed by children and adults alike."



Show your support for NZ's loveable owl and buy an adult Morepork/Ruru T-shirt. 



Find out more about Wingspan National Bird of Prey Centre.