Takahē Conservation
Every adult takahē t-shirt sold gives $5 to the joint efforts of Takahē Rescue and DOC to continue their amazing efforts to secure a future for one of our most endearing birds.
Here is a summary of this partnerships amazing work
"The flightless takahē (Porphyrio [Notornis] hochstetteri) is a unique bird, a conservation icon and a survivor. The takahē has clung to existence despite the pressures of hunting, habitat destruction and introduced predators.
Takahē in their natural habitat – Murchison Mountains, Fiordland. Photo credit: DOC
Fifty years after being listed as extinct the Takahē got something an extinct species never gets: a second chance. In 1948 a small group of Takahē were rediscovered near Lake Te Anau and work immediately began to establish a secure breeding population. While numbers have grown, the Takahē is still critically endangered, with only about 260 birds remaining including around 50 safe breeding pairs.
DOC and Fulton Hogan partner together to support the Takahē Recovery Programme. Photo credit: DOC
The Takahē Recovery Programme is the longest running species conservation programme in New Zealand and has pioneered many conservation techniques later used to save endangered species in New Zealand and around the globe. Despite all this effort takahē are still classified as a 'critically endangered' species. However, without the effort, they would probably be extinct!
DOC's Takahē Recovery Programme is committed to ensuring the survival, growth and security of takahē populations throughout New Zealand. We are working to ensure takahē will never again be 'considered extinct'.

DOC staff release a takahē following a health check at Burwood Takahē Centre, Southland. Photo credit: DOC

Takahē display sites around the country offer viewing opportunities for the public. Photo credit: DOC
Today takahē are now located at predator free sites throughout the country and a small population remain in the Murchison Mountains of Fiordland."
Buy a takahē tee to support this amazing bird
For more information on the Takahē Recovery Programme visit their website